Davyo Thompson Bassist & Backing Vocals

BIO - Davyo Thompson 

I started playing music over 40 years ago. I have played Blues, Rock, Pop, Metal /  hard Rock , disco etc. 

I have been on and off the road with numerous Rock and Roll bands.  I am a rocker with a  bluez  edge.

My main instruments are -  4 and 5 string  basses various brands and colors. I own well over 20 basses 

I use Hartke  bass amplification, 

I enjoyed meeting fans  so please introduce yourself to meet at the  show

Love Davyo 

To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable. ”

— Aaron Copeland

Bud Spear - Lead Guitar & Backing Vocals Please Click on the above "Bio Pic' which takes you to my "Fandalism" Page and give me props if you are a fan. Thanks for your Support~Budman

BIO - Bud Spear

I am from Selden Long Island, New York. I grew up surrounded by a family of musicians Rockin to just about every musical genre you can think of. I loved music from the early age of just a few months old ,as my Mom tells the story that I would coo and hit the high chair with my hands in rhythm with the music playing on the radio. She was surprised of my coordination at such an early stage of life. She told my dad "Our Buddy Boy is going to be a Musician" and she was 100% right. She said I laughed, Smiled and was very focused when the music played and if the music was turned off I would cry. I guess nothing has changed . Don't turn off my music or else the Bunny gets it LOL.


I am married to a wonderful beautiful woman, Mindy, and have 2 great kids, Rosalie and Arthur. My children also share my musical gene pool and play multiple instruments. My Mom played the violin and organ and Dad tried playing some guitar. My 4 sisters all had musical talent but Sisters CJ ad K both sang beautifully but they did not pursuemusic on a professional level although they could have. K played wind instruments, guitar and bass and CJ guitar. 

Growing up around such a musical family I would simply pick up any instrument lying about the house and teach myself how to play it. I am a lead guitarist by heart  but also play the Piano, Bass, Harmonic, Drums, Congas and other percussion instruments and sing backing vocals.

I started my musical journey in New York as a young teen jammin' in my basement with friends who later all became great musicians in their adult life. My first band was called Crystal Lizard with Johnny "Wildchild" Srsich, who also plays lead guitar. One of my dearest life long friends of over 38 years.

I have been in several bands in New York and Las Vegas: In New York I played with Razors Edge and in Vegas I formed original bands -  Dr. Bones, Word in Edgewise , Doubting Thomas and Richard Kranium. Sex Tyoe thing was a tribute to STP. I have a strong passion for writing.  composing and arranging music and love to recording. I eventually plan to do some writing and recording with Dust 2 Dust.

Feel free to check out my reverb nation page for some hard Rockin' Original Music at reverbnation.com/wordinedgewise for some tasty tracks with my good friends Dan Bott - Vocals,  Abby Normal - Bass and Nephew Jason Thomas "Alias Twitch" of Death in Motion on the Skins.

Thanks for stopping by to learn a little more about me.

See you at the Show!

Rock on!


Don't Let the Music Die inside You”

— Bud Spear

Rick Espejo - Drums, percussion and backing vocals

BIO - Rick Espejo 

I was born in New York. Upland ,My Family moved to Las Vegas, NV circa 1990. I started playing Drums as a  teen. I want DW drum sets and use  zilgian  and paiste  symbols . 

I have played a wide range of styles of music such as R&B, Rock, POP Metal , High Energy Musiic. I have performed for over 30 years on stage and now do it for fun with friends.I have on m own professional studio  and enjoy collaborating with others and recording. 

Thanks for your support - Enjoy the music

Rick  “The Bald Guy”


"Music is a part of me that lives in my blood, it chose me ...We chose each other" ”

— - Jocelyn Rotella

James Leyba - Drums, Percussion & Vocals